Andie Thueson » Wellness » Healthy Living » Healthy Products » Best Way to Exercise During Periods

Best Way to Exercise During Periods

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Special thanks to  U by Kotex® FITNESS* for sponsoring this discussion. Opinions expressed are 100% my own as always.

During your period your body burns fat better than at any other time, so exercise during periods will help you to burn more fat and ease menstrual symptoms.

Crazy, right!

According to Stacy Sims, Ph.D., an exercise physiologist for USA Cycling Women’s Track Endurance Program and co-founder of Osmo Nutrition. “When your period starts, your estrogen and progesterone levels drop, and because of this, women can access carbohydrate/glycogen easily, as compared to high-estrogen time periods [when we] rely more on the slow breakdown of fat.” In short: this hormone shift makes fuel more accessible to your body, enabling you to push harder and get more out of these intense workouts than when your estrogen levels are higher!!

So, instead of lounging on the couch with a heating pad and a pint of ice cream, you will be better served to get off the couch to exercise during periods and head to the gym. And since your hormones have shifted to your favor, a H.I.I.T {High-Intensity Interval Workout}will help you to optimize this super fat burning window.

During your period your body burns fat better than at any other time, so exercise during periods will help you to burn more fat and ease menstrual symptoms.

Fat Burning Period Winning H.I.I.T Workout!

There is a total of 3 Circuits and you will complete each circuit 3X! With each exercise, you will work hard for 45 seconds then rest for 15 seconds before moving on to the next exercise in the circuit. After each circuit rest for 60-90 seconds before moving onto the next circuit.

Circuit #1

  • Skaters
  • Wall Sits
  • V-Ups

During your period your body burns fat better than at any other time, so exercise during periods will help you to burn more fat and ease menstrual symptoms.

Start in a small squat. Jump sideways to the left, landing on your left leg. Bring your right leg behind to your left ankle, and don’t let it touch the floor, then jump sideways back to the other side!

During your period your body burns fat better than at any other time, so exercise during periods will help you to burn more fat and ease menstrual symptoms.

Slide your back down the wall, bending your knees until they are bent at about a 90-degree angle. Your thighs should be parallel to the ground, and it should appear that you are sitting in an invisible chair.

During your period your body burns fat better than at any other time, so exercise during periods will help you to burn more fat and ease menstrual symptoms.

Sit on floor or mat. Lie flat on your back with hands on the floor overhead, then crunch up, so your body forms a V.

Circuit #2

  • Froggers
  • Curtsey Squats
  • Sit Ups

During your period your body burns fat better than at any other time, so exercise during periods will help you to burn more fat and ease menstrual symptoms.

Start with your feet shoulder-width apart, then swinging your arms leap as far as you can, landing in a soft squat position.

During your period your body burns fat better than at any other time, so exercise during periods will help you to burn more fat and ease menstrual symptoms.

Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, hands on hips, cross right leg behind body and to the left so that inner thighs touch and bend left knee 90 degrees, toes pointing forward, then return to starting position.

During your period your body burns fat better than at any other time, so exercise during periods will help you to more burn fat at ease menstrual symptoms.

Lie on your back with your feet on the ground and sit up until your elbows touch knees. You have been doing this one since grade school gym tests – so you should have it down 😉 lol

Circuit #3

  • Fast Feet – Football drillers  
  • Glute Bridges
  • Mason Twists

During your period your body burns fat better than at any other time, so exercise during periods will help you to burn more fat and ease menstrual symptoms.

Start in an athletic position with your feet shoulder-width apart and your hips low,  Push through the balls of your feet and run in place quickly.

During your period your body burns fat better than at any other time, so exercise during periods will help you to burn more fat and ease menstrual symptoms.

Start in the bridge position and slide your feet out. Keep your hips up off the ground and your glutes engaged as you slide out. Straighten your legs out as much as possible.

During your period your body burns fat better than at any other time, so exercise during periods will help you to burn more fat and ease menstrual symptoms.

Start out sitting on the floor with your knees bent, then lean back so that your body is at a 45-degree angle, balancing your weight on your glutes, bend your elbows, then twist your torso to the right side and then to the left side. Gently rotate and twist from side to side.

So ladies, let’s REAL chat a little more about our awesome monthly visitor. So now we know that high-intensity workouts are the best exercise during periods. AND if you are moving and giving it your all at the gym you NEED to know your tampon or pad can keep up! I’m sure I am not the only one to have a gym fail when it comes to a lady period protection. {The absolute WORST}

AND if you are moving and giving it your all at the gym you NEED to know your tampon or pad can keep up!

-U by Kotex® Fitness

So I was super excited to try the new line of products from U by Kotex® FITNESS*! Conveniently enough my package arrived the day before Aunt Flo came a knocking. {I know, over share I’m sorry!} So I can tell you with absolute certainty that this tampon can keep up, even through a one and half hour crazy sweat fest!

So don’t let your period hold you back!! #FindYourFITNESS and get a free sample of U by Kotex® FITNESS* >> By Clicking this link HERE!

And for more #fitspiration check out the U by Kotex® FITNESS* Playbook for tips and advice for Finding Your Fitness during that magical time of the month. 😉

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